I went into this year's Christmas season very different from prior years. My season always began in October. Shopping lists were started. I loved picking your brains (and your Mom's before you) for clues to what you each wanted. The list for needed baking products was on the counter (Papa hates clutter on the counter).
This year Nana had pneumonia and could do literally nothing. Being a typical type A controlling person, I was so sad our family traditions would not happen this year. Of course, no one could make my magic happen but me. Right? Wrong.
Papa jumped right in there. Besides taking care of me, preparing the house for the holiday, he shopped for each of you. I was really impressed when he showed me the excel document he created to keep everything in control. Christmas Eve Papa cooked and set a beautiful table. Your Moms baked cookies and TT made garbage bread.
It was a magical Christmas. I sat and watched as all these elves just made Christmas Eve and Christmas happen exactly like previous years. They scurried around and as if with fairy dust each aspect of the night and following day went perfectly. It seemed so strange, yet so wonderful. I could not prepare our beautiful Christmas, but my family could.
This reinforced for me what a wonderful family we are. We live as one unit. We are available to each other for whatever is happening; the good, the bad and the ugly. I found a definition for the word family online: a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family.
Our family is not the traditional family. We are so much more than that. I believe each of us was hand picked by God and put together to form this one unit - our family. I have a poem framed and displayed in our home. I believe it is a very apt definition of us as one unit:
Our Family
is like a patchwork quilt
with kindness gently sewn.
Each piece is an original
with beauty of its own.
With threads of
warmth and happiness
it's tightly stitched together
to last in love
throughout the years . . .
Our family is forever.
Thank you, God, for our wonderful family:~)
Hugs and kisses,