It has been so much fun watching Alex on the soccer field. The first third of the season he ran from one end of the field to the other, not really knowing why he was doing this.
By the middle of the season, he was starting to catch on. He knew it was great to get that ball inside the cage.
The last third of the season he was disappointed that he didn't "make a goal." And he knew he could not touch the ball with his hands. He really played well, especially since he had never been on a soccer field before and his coach did not call practices.
I am looking forward to seeing him play again next year, if that is the choice he makes. There's a rumor going around that Em might play next year, too. It's a tough decision - Rah Rah or soccer star. We'll have to wait until next year to find out who makes what decision. All in all, it was another fun experience.
Hugs and kisses,
I can remember when my sons now grown men mind you. lol. played soccer I used to run up and down the side lines of the soccer field, yelling boot it. lol. and did the same thing on the football field. these certainly are memories you will cherish forever. Colleen Kelly Gamache