Kara's birthday is January 3rd and her gift from Nana and Papa was a day at The American Girl Place in New York City. Between Mom's January and February work schedule and Nana and Papa being snow birds, it didn't happen until April 10
th. But it was well worth the wait.
We started out April 9
th and stopped at the Bronx Zoo. The girls had lots of fun. Actually, so did Nana and Papa. Then we continued on for a night's stay at The Hilton. The first picture in the above layout is the view from Nana and Papa's room; the Radio City Music Hall's marquee. Our two rooms were beautiful and conveniently across the hall from each other.
Our breakfast brunch at The American Girl Place was at 9:30 Sunday morning. The girls wore beautiful dresses. Their dolls even had dresses to match theirs. The tables in the Cafe were set quite elegantly. The theme centered on a very bright pink. The napkin holders were so cute. The girls got to take them home. The menus were also bright pink.
We each ordered what we wanted and feasted on a delicious breakfast. Of course, we had to have dessert. It was some kind of mousse topped with a pretty blue daisy flower. Kara's had a candle and we all sang happy birthday to her. She had that sweet shy look she gets on her face, but I know she loved it.
Then it was off to the Doll Hair Salon where the girls picked out which hairdo they wanted for the dolls they broughtwith them from home. We got the add-on to have each doll's face and hands cleaned professionally. It really was interesting to see how these "doll hair specialists" could
undo the knots and comb through the dolls' hair. At the end of about an hour session, Molly and Julie looked gorgeous.
Oh, I forgot to include that Corey stood in line quite a long time to get numbers so Kara and Em could stand in line for their turn with the hair specialist. I know; it gets complicated. But what a Dad those girls have.
Next it was off to get Kara and Emily's picture taken by the photographer. All the pictures came out just beautiful (of course). Mom and Dad allowed the girls to choose which pose each wanted. Last, we went shopping. Kara picked out two dolls. She had been saving every penny she got to buy one of them. Emily picked out a doll. Then it was on to buying things their dolls "really needed."
I can honestly say that, with the exception of Christmas, I have never enjoyed a girly day so much. This place is like a special haven for little girls. Kara kept saying how happy she was to be there and how she had always wanted to go there. Em's smiles were too beautiful. Both girls were over the moon. I know Papa and I made memories for our girls with this trip. But I have to tell you, I went home with so many wonderful memories of celebrating a very special 10
th birthday for Kara on April 10, 2011.
It really was like a dream.
Hugs and kisses,