Well, after all these years, it was determined Alex needs his tonsils and adenoids removed. He has been snoring almost as loud as Papa for years and his quality of sleep has also been majorly effected. So, we all spent June 25, 2012 at Albany Medical Center concerned about our youngest boy.
Pops and I arrived shortly before The Baldwin Family. Alex sat at Admissions with that sweet smiley smirk on his face that I love so much (This is the one he shows when he is the center of attention.). When all was verified, off he went. The next time we saw Alex he was being carried by Mom to the holding tank.
We were notified forty-five minutes later the surgery was complete and the patient was in the recovery room. The surgery itself took eleven minutes. The wait for him to "recover" was another story. Hours later, Don stopped by to tell us Alex was awake and feasting on an orange popsicle. You know good ole Nana. Off I went to check for myself just how our boy was doing
Oh gosh, he looked so tiny in that hospital bed. And he looked sick. He couldn't wait to show me the needle in his hand. The nurse overheard us and told Alex it really wasn't a needle. Alex was so intrigued as the nurse removed the tiniest tube from his hand. With that, I made my exit.
I'll tell you Alex is a real trooper. He didn't complain. He did as he was told. He was the perfect patient. Even at home he did as he should 90% of the time. He is now recuperating nicely. His Mom keeps telling us he has a frog voice. Papa and I hope to visit with him later today and check that out.
And so another memory for all of us; more an adventure for Alex, where everything "came out" fine:~)
Hugs and kisses,