Mother's Day brunch with all of you was, as usual, wonderful. You were all dressed in your finest attire and looking great. This year we veered from our usual restaurant and went to Prime at Saratoga National. The dining room was elegant. The brunch was extensive. And you all behaved like "young adults."
I am so proud of our family. It is not possible for me to find the words to express my feelings. Watching our family evolve was, for lack of a better word, overpowering. I still remember the all enveloping love I felt the first time I saw your Moms. I knew there would be no time in my life I would ever feel such love again. Then, as each of you joined our family, there was that feeling in my heart; my heart was full. I can not express to you what it was like to see each of my baby girls and the love of their lives bring you home to your forever family. I saw that kind of love in your Mom's and Dad's eyes. And it spilled over into Nana and Papa's hearts. Mother's Day and Father's Day will always be special to me. Those memories are brought to the surface.
We are a very special family. I thank God every day for giving us our daughters, your Dad's and all of you. Kara and Em, your Mom wrote in her journal, "We were meant to be." And we were. Happy Mother's Day to our daughters and to each of you!
Hugs and kisses,
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