This is my second blog written to capture memories made with our grandchildren. The link to my first blog, "Meet Our Grandchildren," is listed below in the right hand column. Hope you have time to read some of it. Our journey to becoming grandparents has been full of adventure and much love.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Miss Kara's First Blue Ribbon

A blue ribbon winner sketched by Kara! I am still in awe of the beauty of this creation. The depth of the grave marker, the illusion of the hand reaching out from the grave. The illumination of the moon has been captured so realistically, with its rays falling to the ground. Kara sketched this at the age of eleven. I can only imagine her creations in the years to come. She has been given a gift to develop and share.

This sketch was on exhibit at the Schaighticoke Fair this year and won the First Prize Blue Ribbon in its category. I am so thrilled and excited for Miss Kara. She loves her art and her literary ability writing wonderful stories, some biographic, some fictional. I am confident she will develop both and many people will enjoy exposure to her creativity.
Hugs and kisses,

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