Every parent knows their children are special. And all children are. When Kristen, our child, was diagnosed with breast cancer, I felt our world more vulnerable than I could ever have imagined. I had all I could do to keep my emotions in control. I had to stay positive; Kristen expected this of everyone around her. And as I watched her friends and family stand together to help our daughter and her family in every way they could, I was so proud to know so many others saw Kristen as the special person she is. They jumped on board to lighten the weight on Kristen and Corey's shoulders.
Eighty people gathered to walk for Team Kristy on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in October. Everyone smiled, laughed, showed nothing but positive feelings. Our friends prayed for Kristen, many in prayer groups. We all kept our God and His saints very busy listening to our plea. It is my belief that satan walks the earth bringing bad things to good people. It is also my belief the strength and love of Team Kristy and so many others overtook satan. We are too strong for him. And he fled.
On Wednesday, December 12th (12/12/12), Kristen was told she is cancer free!
Hugs and kisses,